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Showing posts from December, 2022

A Multipurpose Mini Desktop Assistant Robot

       We have named it 'Cookie Bot' 🍪 Cookie Bot is a multipurpose mini desktop assistant robot that you can control with your voice when needed but also has a mind of its own ! It uses a combination of AI, Machine Learning, and speech recognition to control its movements and actions based on different situations and surroundings. Users can interact with the robot through voice commands and its voice assistant artificial intelligence system allows it to detect and understand user commands in different natural languages including English and Hindi !  Cookie Bot acts lively, moves around on its own using a path finding algorithm to navigate and avoid obstacles while responding to different commands from the user. The Cookie Bot uses a LIDER sensor to detect objects in its path and a Ultrasonic sensor to sense objects and objects in its surrounding environment. Here's a video of the first working prototype : Prototype 1 : December 15th, 2022 Prototype 1 : Projec...