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Showing posts from April, 2022

Ball Game using Accelerometer & Arduino

   Project Proposal PDF : Armball Mania Project Proposal I was recently experimenting with serial communication between Arduino and ue4 and suddenly had this urge to make a fun sensor controlled game . Something different and intuitive ! Now, I remember that I had the ADXL from my previous project which had become one of my favorite sensor ! - and I knew exactly what to do. I know, I know. Why am I using an accelerometer ! Using a gyro would've been a better idea. And you're right, That's the intuitive part !    The Arduino Part Before everything, I needed to test if it even works. So, I created a demo project, where I would control the pitch yaw and roll of a flat rectangular object with live inputs from the sensor which Will be in the users hands. Serial communication was a bit tricky. And I needed to open and close the ports dynamically so that I can change it on the go. After a bit of tweaking, I got it to work ! To summarize the protocol in English, ...